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Blu-ray DRM

Similar to DVDs, which use CSS, Blu-rays use AACS for their DRM. There are two ways you can bypass it. Using libaacs and a KEYDB.cfg file, or using MakeMKV which bypasses it completely.

Getting Key Files For libaacs

There are two ways to get a key for a Blu-ray: you can download one or crack it yourself. Best place to download one is from I occasionally will back theirs up, and keep it here:

On Windows, you can use FindVUK to access the disc and extract the key using a program called DVDFab.

Once you have a KEYDB.cfg file with the required entries, libaacs will look for it in the .config/aacs/ directory from your home directory.

Here's a sample entry:

0x005911F7954508BD9E53936E717DCF62A0BCD9CB = MOVIE TITLE (Movie Title) | D | 2021-07-13 | U | 1-0x265FD60E1E7F4C48CE9DDEE101FE27E8 ; MKBv72/FindVUK 1.57

VLC will look for this file to access the Blu-ray and play it back. If you have Java installed, you can also view the menus.

Using MakeMKV

If you don't want to deal with finding keys, you can use MakeMKV instead, and ignore them completely. MakeMKV has its own way of bypassing DRM. The program runs on Linux and Windows. See the wiki page here for details on using it. It is partially open source software, so if you want to use completely free software, you'll have to use libaacs above.
