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Blu-ray DRM

Similar to DVDs, which use CSS, Blu-rays use AACS for their DRM. There are two ways you can bypass it. Using libaacs and a KEYDB.cfg file, or using MakeMKV which bypasses it completely.

Getting Key Files For libaacs

There are two ways to get a key for a Blu-ray: you can download one or crack it yourself. Best place to download one is from I occasionally will back theirs up, and keep it here:

On Windows, you can use FindVUK to access the disc and extract the key using a program called DVDFab.

Once you have a KEYDB.cfg file with the required entries, libaacs will look for it in the .config/aacs/ directory from your home directory.

Here's a sample entry:

0x005911F7954508BD9E53936E717DCF62A0BCD9CB = MOVIE TITLE (Movie Title) | D | 2021-07-13 | U | 1-0x265FD60E1E7F4C48CE9DDEE101FE27E8 ; MKBv72/FindVUK 1.57

VLC will look for this file to access the Blu-ray and play it back. If you have Java installed, you can also view the menus.
