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ps3 [2017/08/05 15:17]
beandog [PS3 DLNA Playback Support]
ps3 [2021/10/17 19:35] (current)
beandog [PS3 DLNA Playback Support]
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 Amazingly, the PS3 will let you copy a file straight from a DLNA server to its hard drive!!!!! I managed to copy a Blu-ray I'd ripped on my desktop over to the PS3 this way. :) Amazingly, the PS3 will let you copy a file straight from a DLNA server to its hard drive!!!!! I managed to copy a Blu-ray I'd ripped on my desktop over to the PS3 this way. :)
-Incidentally,​ the one I used, had Dolby TrueHD audio for the English track, so I had to re-encode it to Dolby Digital. The PS3 doesn'​t support PGS (subtitles),​ so I just dropped those.+Incidentally,​ the one I used, had Dolby TrueHD audio for the only English track, so I had to re-encode it to Dolby Digital. The PS3 doesn'​t support PGS (subtitles),​ so I just dropped those.
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-avconv ​-y -i blu-ray.m2ts -map v:0 -vcodec copy -map a:0 -acodec ac3 -sn h264.truehd-to-ac3.mp4+ffmpeg ​-y -i blu-ray.m2ts -map v:0 -vcodec copy -map a:0 -acodec ac3 -sn h264.truehd-to-ac3.mp4
 </​code>​ </​code>​
