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problem_dvds [2014/02/15 18:47]
problem_dvds [2018/03/27 23:17] (current)
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 In each case, if you having **problems ripping a DVD**, then I recommend using [[ddrescue]] to rip it.  It will skip over the bad blocks that it cannot read, and this usually guarantees a good copy. In each case, if you having **problems ripping a DVD**, then I recommend using [[ddrescue]] to rip it.  It will skip over the bad blocks that it cannot read, and this usually guarantees a good copy.
 +  * [[Black Cauldron, The]] (fixed in ''​dvd_info''​)
 +  * [[Monsters University]] (fixed in ''​dvd_info'',​ ''​lsdvd''​)
 +=== Links ===
 +  * [[http://​bblank.thinkmo.de/​blog/​new-software-python-dvdvideo|python-dvdvideo]]
 +  * [[http://​people.skolelinux.org/​pere/​blog/​Video_DVD_reader_library___python_dvdvideo___nice_free_software.html|Video DVD reader library / python-dvdvideo - nice free software]] - good explanation,​ link to bug reports
 +=== Archives (Unverified) ===
 +  * [[Airborne]] (PAL)
 +  * [[Bedknobs and Broomsticks]]
   * [[Bolt]]   * [[Bolt]]
 +  * [[Chips]]
 +  * [[Cosmic Voyage]]
   * [[Dragonheart]]   * [[Dragonheart]]
-  * [[Driving Miss Daisy]] +  * [[Nightmare Before Christmas, The]]
-  * [[Ivanhoe]]+
   * [[Spanish Prisoner, The]]   * [[Spanish Prisoner, The]]
 +  * [[Tomorrow Land]]
