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vobsubs [2017/08/05 12:12]
vobsubs [2017/08/05 12:14] (current)
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 === Detecting VobSubs === === Detecting VobSubs ===
-Note that ''​ffmpeg''​ and ''​libav''​ v 0.8.* will see the vobsubs with ''​ffprobe''​ or ''​avprobe'',​ but any other higher version of ''​avprobe''​ (libav) will not.+Note that ''​ffmpeg''​ and ''​libav''​ v 0.8.* will see the vobsubs ​(Stream #0.0) and closed captioning (part of MPEG2 video in Stream #0.1) with ''​ffprobe''​ or ''​avprobe'',​ but any other higher version of ''​avprobe''​ (libav) will not.
 <​code>​ <​code>​
