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Sansa Fuze


  • MPEG-2 video
  • MP3 audio
  • Width x Height: 220×176
  • Video bitrate: 384k
  • Audio bitrate: 96k
avconv -y -i video.mp4 -vcodec mpeg2video -s 220x176 -vb 384k -acodec mp3 -ab 96k -o video.mpg

I added a udev rule in /etc/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-vfat.rules just for fun to have a /dev/sansa device for the internal drive


When mounting the drive, use sync option in fstab so that it copies in real-time, and you don't have to wait a ton either running sync or unmounting the drive.

/dev/sansa              /mnt/sansa      vfat    noauto,users,sync       0 0

Copying large amounts of files to the disk will overwork the poor little device, and segfault RockBox usually at some point. Just run an fsck on the VFAT block device, and keep going.

fsck.vfat /dev/sdf
