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openbsd [2018/02/19 21:48]
openbsd [2019/05/24 12:09] (current)
beandog [bluray_info]
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== OpenBSD ====== ====== OpenBSD ======
 +  * Tested with OpenBSD 6.5
 +==== Installation ====
 +Once the system is installed, install git:
 +pkg_add git
 +Install buildtime dependencies:​
 +pkg_add autoconf-2.69p2 automake-1.16.1
 ==== dvd_info ==== ==== dvd_info ====
 +Install runtime dependencies:​
 +pkg_add libdvdread
 +Clone repo:
 +git clone https://​github.com/​beandog/​dvd_info
 Version 1.0 installs just fine once autotools, libdvdread, and libdvdcss are on the system. Version 1.0 installs just fine once autotools, libdvdread, and libdvdcss are on the system.
 <​code>​ <​code>​
 +doas make install
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 +Default device is ''/​dev/​rcd0c''​
 +==== bluray_info ====
 +Install libraries:
 +pkg_add libaacs libbluray
 +Clone repo:
 +git clone https://​github.com/​beandog/​bluray_info
 +Build with latest autoconf and automake versions:
 +AUTOCONF_VERSION=2.69 AUTOMAKE_VERSION=1.16 autoreconf -fi
 +doas make install
 +Run as normal!
