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dvd_player [2021/10/17 17:59]
dvd_player [2023/04/09 21:49] (current)
beandog [Custom Configuration]
Line 32: Line 32:
 One of mpv's strong points is that it can have configuration saved in your config directory. This program supports that as well. One of mpv's strong points is that it can have configuration saved in your config directory. This program supports that as well.
-Here's an example ''​mpv.conf':​+Here's an example ''​mpv.conf'​' that goes in ''​~/​.config/​dvd_player/''​ directory:
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-# dvd_player libmpv config 
 alang=en alang=en
 slang=en slang=en
Line 44: Line 43:
 osd-level=2 osd-level=2
 +==== Track Selection ====
 +One thing that may be confusing is that ''​mpv''​ and ''​dvd_player''​ do not have the same track ordering number. MPV zero-indexes the tracks (the first track is number 0), while all the dvd_info tools one-index them (the first track is number 1).
 +This can be confusing in the user output because ''​dvd_player''​ will accept the one-indexed track number, but libmpv will output a different track number.
 +$ dvd_player -t 2
 +[dvd_player] Track: 2, Length: 00:​22:​36.033,​ Chapters: 5, Filesize: 549 MBs
 +libdvdnav: DVD Title: 888574310851D1
 +libdvdnav: DVD Serial Number: 0CEE4CEBDVDSHR
 +libdvdnav: DVD Title (Alternative): ​
 +libdvdnav: DVD disk reports itself with Region mask 0x00000000. Regions: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
 +[dvdnav] DVDNAV, switched to title: 1
 </​code>​ </​code>​
