
bluray_copy is a program that ships with the bluray_info package of utils. You can use it to copy a track directly off a disc either to your drive, or to stdout.

You will need libaacs installed and a valid KEYDB.cfg file for copying. See Blu-ray DRM for details.

See bluray_copy –help.

bluray_copy - copy a Blu-ray title or playlist to a file

Usage: bluray_copy [path] [options]

  -m, --main               Copy main title (default)
  -t, --title <#>          Copy title number
  -p, --playlist <#>       Copy playlist number
  -c, --chapter <#>[-#]    Copy chapter number or range

  -o, --output <filename>  Save to filename (default: bluray_title_###.m2ts)
      --output -           Write to stdout

  -k, --keydb <filename>   Location to KEYDB.cfg (default: ~/.config/aacs/KEYDB.cfg)
  -a, --angle <#>          Video angle (default: 1)
  -h, --help		   This output
      --version		   Version information

Blu-ray path can be a device, a filename, or directory; default is /dev/sr0

See man bluray_copy for instructions.