====== NetBSD ====== * [[https://wiki.netbsd.org/tutorials/how_to_read_css_protected_dvds/|NetBSD Wiki - How to read CSS protected DVDs]] * [[dvd_info]] ==== dvd_info ==== I recommend installing libdvdcss and libdvdread directly from pkgsrc. The binary packages aren't built for support with libdvdcss. Make sure pkgsrc is installed first: ftp ftp://ftp.netbsd.org/pub/pkgsrc/current/pkgsrc.tar.gz tar -zxf pkgsrc.tar.gz -C /usr Download and install libdvdcss: cd /usr/pkgsrc/distfiles ftp https://download.videolan.org/pub/libdvdcss/1.4.1/libdvdcss-1.4.1.tar.bz2 cd /usr/pkgsrc/multimedia/libdvdcss make make install Install libdvdread: cd /usr/pkgsrc/multimedia/libdvdread make make install Despite it whining about not linking against libdvdcss, the build will. You'll have to have autoconf and automake installed as well. Afer that, download dvd_info and install as normal. :) autoreconf -fi ./configure make make install To access the DVD disc drive, your user will have to be in the ''operator'' group: usermod -G operator steve The default device is ''/dev/cd0d'' dvd_info /dev/cd0d ==== libbluray ==== I can get libbluray to install from source (1.0.2), but not libaacs. Yet another dirty hack: cp jni/linux/jni_md.h jni/ ./configure --prefix=/usr/pkg --disable-bdjava-jar --without-freetype bluray_info works great (1.2.0): gcc -o bluray_info bluray_info.c bluray_video.c bluray_audio.c bluray_time.c -lbluray -L/usr/pkg/lib -Wl,-R/usr/pkg/lib -lbluray -I/usr/pkg/include -std=c99