====== The Black Cauldron ======
The books are awesome. :)
* [[Problem DVDs]]
* [[ddrescue]]
* [[http://spaceparanoids.org/code/BCS0NNW1.dvd_info.json.txt]]
** The Black Cauldron ** on DVD has some new copy protection on it (I think). Either way, it's a pain, and had to work around some stuff. Thankfully, it flushed out some bugs in [[dvd_info]] that are now fixed! The basic takeaway is this: never assume that an IFO is valid.
Here's the story. The DVD has 99 title tracks, and ten of them have invalid IFOs on them. The invalid ones are 2 through 8, and 36 through 38. The bogus title tracks are 2 through 8 and 97 through 99.
** The feature move title track is number 39. ** The length is 1:20:05 and there are 17 chapters. Audio for English, French and Spanish is Dolby Digital 5.1, 384 kbps.
As you will see, there is a *lot* of data to sort through, which I'm guessing is intended to screw up or fool some DVD rippers.
Here's some of the stats:
* 197 audio tracks
* 293 subtitles
* 956 chapters
* 1,262 cells
Accessing it with libdvdread 5.0.0, here's what you'll probably see:
libdvdread: Invalid IFO for title 2 (VTS_02_0.BUP).
libdvdread: Invalid IFO for title 3 (VTS_03_0.BUP).
libdvdread: Invalid IFO for title 4 (VTS_04_0.BUP).
libdvdread: Invalid IFO for title 5 (VTS_05_0.BUP).
libdvdread: Invalid IFO for title 6 (VTS_06_0.BUP).
libdvdread: Invalid IFO for title 7 (VTS_07_0.BUP).
libdvdread: Invalid IFO for title 8 (VTS_08_0.BUP).
libdvdread: Invalid IFO for title 36 (VTS_36_0.BUP).
libdvdread: Invalid IFO for title 37 (VTS_37_0.BUP).
libdvdread: Invalid IFO for title 38 (VTS_38_0.BUP).
==== dvd_info ====
Here's the human-readable output of [[dvd_info]] which skips the invalid IFOs:
** Edit: ** dvd_info now displays the track, but fills it with zeros (zero length, chapters, cells, audio streams, subpictures) so that it makes the output look more sane.
Disc Title: BCS0NNW1
Title: 01, Length: 00:00:00.400 Chapters: 01, Cells: 01, Audio streams: 00, Subpictures: 01
Title: 09, Length: 01:17:44.066 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 10, Length: 01:21:00.900 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 11, Length: 01:16:20.900 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 12, Length: 01:20:05.533 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 13, Length: 01:26:08.467 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 14, Length: 01:21:16.900 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 15, Length: 01:21:23.367 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 16, Length: 01:21:20.367 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 17, Length: 01:20:05.533 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 18, Length: 01:19:04.266 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 19, Length: 01:25:13.834 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 20, Length: 01:20:05.533 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 21, Length: 01:17:25.400 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 22, Length: 01:22:23.166 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 23, Length: 01:20:05.533 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 24, Length: 01:23:41.200 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 25, Length: 01:20:05.533 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 26, Length: 01:22:15.767 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 27, Length: 01:24:52.367 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 28, Length: 01:21:23.367 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 29, Length: 01:19:48.500 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 30, Length: 01:22:58.934 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 31, Length: 01:27:20.200 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 32, Length: 01:20:05.533 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 33, Length: 01:20:05.533 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 34, Length: 01:20:12.734 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 35, Length: 01:18:34.367 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 36, Length: 01:20:05.533 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 37, Length: 01:15:42.000 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 38, Length: 01:20:05.533 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 39, Length: 01:20:05.533 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 40, Length: 01:12:43.166 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 41, Length: 01:20:35.934 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 42, Length: 01:20:05.533 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 43, Length: 01:17:41.066 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 44, Length: 01:20:05.533 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 45, Length: 01:20:05.533 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 46, Length: 01:26:13.100 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 47, Length: 01:20:05.533 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 48, Length: 01:24:17.567 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 49, Length: 01:19:27.467 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 50, Length: 01:23:49.900 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 51, Length: 01:20:05.533 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 52, Length: 01:19:04.266 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 53, Length: 01:21:17.400 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 54, Length: 01:22:12.367 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 55, Length: 01:14:40.867 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 56, Length: 01:20:05.533 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 57, Length: 01:20:05.533 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 58, Length: 01:23:51.233 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 59, Length: 01:20:05.533 Chapters: 17, Cells: 23, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 60, Length: 00:00:00.500 Chapters: 01, Cells: 01, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 05
Title: 61, Length: 00:00:04.000 Chapters: 03, Cells: 03, Audio streams: 01, Subpictures: 01
Title: 62, Length: 00:00:11.000 Chapters: 03, Cells: 03, Audio streams: 01, Subpictures: 00
Title: 63, Length: 00:00:12.000 Chapters: 02, Cells: 02, Audio streams: 01, Subpictures: 00
Title: 64, Length: 00:00:18.000 Chapters: 01, Cells: 01, Audio streams: 01, Subpictures: 01
Title: 65, Length: 00:00:00.500 Chapters: 01, Cells: 01, Audio streams: 01, Subpictures: 02
Title: 66, Length: 00:00:18.500 Chapters: 02, Cells: 02, Audio streams: 01, Subpictures: 02
Title: 67, Length: 00:00:00.500 Chapters: 01, Cells: 01, Audio streams: 01, Subpictures: 02
Title: 68, Length: 00:00:00.500 Chapters: 01, Cells: 01, Audio streams: 01, Subpictures: 00
Title: 69, Length: 00:00:00.500 Chapters: 01, Cells: 01, Audio streams: 01, Subpictures: 00
Title: 70, Length: 00:04:26.233 Chapters: 07, Cells: 07, Audio streams: 01, Subpictures: 00
Title: 71, Length: 00:05:14.500 Chapters: 07, Cells: 07, Audio streams: 01, Subpictures: 00
Title: 72, Length: 00:09:28.867 Chapters: 11, Cells: 11, Audio streams: 01, Subpictures: 00
Title: 73, Length: 00:00:00.500 Chapters: 01, Cells: 01, Audio streams: 01, Subpictures: 00
Title: 74, Length: 00:00:00.500 Chapters: 01, Cells: 01, Audio streams: 01, Subpictures: 00
Title: 75, Length: 00:00:00.500 Chapters: 01, Cells: 01, Audio streams: 01, Subpictures: 00
Title: 76, Length: 00:00:00.500 Chapters: 01, Cells: 01, Audio streams: 01, Subpictures: 00
Title: 77, Length: 00:00:00.500 Chapters: 01, Cells: 01, Audio streams: 01, Subpictures: 00
Title: 78, Length: 00:00:00.500 Chapters: 01, Cells: 01, Audio streams: 01, Subpictures: 00
Title: 79, Length: 00:00:00.500 Chapters: 01, Cells: 01, Audio streams: 01, Subpictures: 00
Title: 80, Length: 00:00:00.500 Chapters: 01, Cells: 01, Audio streams: 01, Subpictures: 00
Title: 81, Length: 00:00:00.500 Chapters: 01, Cells: 01, Audio streams: 01, Subpictures: 00
Title: 82, Length: 00:00:07.000 Chapters: 01, Cells: 01, Audio streams: 01, Subpictures: 00
Title: 83, Length: 00:00:07.000 Chapters: 01, Cells: 01, Audio streams: 01, Subpictures: 00
Title: 84, Length: 00:00:07.000 Chapters: 01, Cells: 01, Audio streams: 01, Subpictures: 00
Title: 85, Length: 00:00:00.500 Chapters: 01, Cells: 01, Audio streams: 01, Subpictures: 00
Title: 86, Length: 00:09:50.233 Chapters: 02, Cells: 02, Audio streams: 01, Subpictures: 03
Title: 87, Length: 00:09:50.233 Chapters: 02, Cells: 02, Audio streams: 01, Subpictures: 03
Title: 88, Length: 00:00:00.500 Chapters: 01, Cells: 01, Audio streams: 01, Subpictures: 03
Title: 89, Length: 00:00:05.000 Chapters: 01, Cells: 01, Audio streams: 01, Subpictures: 00
Title: 90, Length: 00:04:45.500 Chapters: 02, Cells: 02, Audio streams: 01, Subpictures: 03
Title: 91, Length: 00:01:03.166 Chapters: 02, Cells: 02, Audio streams: 01, Subpictures: 03
Title: 92, Length: 00:08:15.000 Chapters: 02, Cells: 02, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 03
Title: 93, Length: 00:08:15.000 Chapters: 02, Cells: 02, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 03
Title: 94, Length: 00:00:06.500 Chapters: 13, Cells: 13, Audio streams: 00, Subpictures: 01
Title: 95, Length: 00:01:11.834 Chapters: 06, Cells: 06, Audio streams: 01, Subpictures: 01
Title: 96, Length: 00:00:00.500 Chapters: 01, Cells: 01, Audio streams: 03, Subpictures: 01
Longest track: 31
Here's the full JSON output from ''dvd_info'' as well, for reference: [[http://spaceparanoids.org/code/BCS0NNW1.dvd_info.json.txt|BCS0NNW1.dvd_info.json.txt]]
==== ddrescue ====
''ddrescue'' found some bad blocks while ripping it:
GNU ddrescue 1.17
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
rescued: 6893 MB, errsize: 294 kB, current rate: 0 B/s
ipos: 612761 kB, errors: 3, average rate: 2780 kB/s
opos: 612761 kB, time since last successful read: 9 s
==== HandBrake ====
Here's the output of HandBrake 0.10-beta scanning track 31. Interestingly enough, it reports the audio bitrate as 384 kbps ... not sure if that's another bomb planted in the DVD or not.
** Edit: ** nope, DVDs can have up to 912 kbps for an MPEG2 stream. I've just never seen one above 192 before. :) See [[http://stnsoft.com/DVD/dvdmpeg.html|DVD - MPeg differences]]
+ title 31:
+ vts 13, ttn 1, cells 0->22 (2162366 blocks)
+ duration: 01:27:20
+ size: 720x480, pixel aspect: 32/27, display aspect: 1.78, 23.976 fps
+ autocrop: 56/62/2/2
+ support opencl: no
+ support hwd: not built-in
+ chapters:
+ 1: cells 0->6, 28826 blocks, duration 00:01:26
+ 2: cells 7->7, 190318 blocks, duration 00:07:44
+ 3: cells 8->8, 52511 blocks, duration 00:01:50
+ 4: cells 9->9, 116345 blocks, duration 00:05:10
+ 5: cells 10->10, 190318 blocks, duration 00:07:44
+ 6: cells 11->11, 70020 blocks, duration 00:03:00
+ 7: cells 12->12, 199333 blocks, duration 00:07:28
+ 8: cells 13->13, 154636 blocks, duration 00:06:15
+ 9: cells 14->14, 241018 blocks, duration 00:09:23
+ 10: cells 15->15, 124439 blocks, duration 00:05:06
+ 11: cells 16->16, 93787 blocks, duration 00:03:58
+ 12: cells 17->17, 201861 blocks, duration 00:07:46
+ 13: cells 18->18, 241018 blocks, duration 00:09:23
+ 14: cells 19->19, 99730 blocks, duration 00:04:08
+ 15: cells 20->20, 84615 blocks, duration 00:04:02
+ 16: cells 21->21, 73404 blocks, duration 00:02:57
+ 17: cells 22->22, 187 blocks, duration 00:00:01
+ audio tracks:
+ 1, English (AC3) (5.1 ch) (iso639-2: eng), 48000Hz, 384000bps
+ 2, Francais (AC3) (5.1 ch) (iso639-2: fra), 48000Hz, 384000bps
+ 3, Espanol (AC3) (5.1 ch) (iso639-2: spa), 48000Hz, 384000bps
+ subtitle tracks:
+ 1, English (Closed Caption) (iso639-2: eng) (Bitmap)(VOBSUB)
+ 2, Francais (iso639-2: fra) (Bitmap)(VOBSUB)
+ 3, Espanol (iso639-2: spa) (Bitmap)(VOBSUB)
+ 4, Francais (iso639-2: fra) (Bitmap)(VOBSUB)
+ 5, Espanol (iso639-2: spa) (Bitmap)(VOBSUB)
+ 6, Closed Captions (iso639-2: eng) (Text)(CC)
Also, HandBrake 0.10-rc2 segfaults on reading the DVD when using ''--scan --no-dvdnav'', because there are no cells on some of the tracks. I've posted a bugfix [[https://forum.handbrake.fr/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=31093|here]].