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yuv4mpeg2 [2021/10/17 19:36]
yuv4mpeg2 [2021/10/17 19:36] (current)
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   * [[http://​wiki.multimedia.cx/​index.php?​title=YUV4MPEG2|MultimediaWiki:​ YUV4MPEG2]]   * [[http://​wiki.multimedia.cx/​index.php?​title=YUV4MPEG2|MultimediaWiki:​ YUV4MPEG2]]
-Raw video (YUV) in an MPEG2 container. ​ I sometimes use this when I'm going to transfer from one source to another.+Raw video (YUV) in an MPEG2 container. I sometimes use this when I'm going to transfer from one source to another.
 == Take an existing video and convert to a 480p raw video == == Take an existing video and convert to a 480p raw video ==
