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x264 [2017/02/05 09:55]
x264 [2023/04/09 19:56] (current)
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-====== x264 ======+====== x264 / AVC ======
   * [[Handbrake]]   * [[Handbrake]]
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   * [[http://​dev.beandog.org/​x264_preset_reference.html|x264 preset reference]]   * [[http://​dev.beandog.org/​x264_preset_reference.html|x264 preset reference]]
   * [[http://​www.x264bluray.com/​|Authoring a professional Blu-ray Disc with x264]]   * [[http://​www.x264bluray.com/​|Authoring a professional Blu-ray Disc with x264]]
-  * [[http://​mewiki.project357.com/​wiki/​X264_Settings|x264 Settings]] 
   * [[http://​en.wikipedia.org/​wiki/​H.264/​MPEG-4_AVC|Wikipedia:​ H264]]   * [[http://​en.wikipedia.org/​wiki/​H.264/​MPEG-4_AVC|Wikipedia:​ H264]]
-  * [[http://​www.streaminglearningcenter.com/​articles/​understanding-h264-encoding-parameters---profiles-and-levels.html|Understanding H.264 Encoding Parameters - Profiles and Levels]] 
   * [[http://​mmmash.blogspot.com/​2013/​03/​x264-motion-estimation-method-comparison.html|X264 - Motion Estimation Method- Comparison]] - I like this one. :)   * [[http://​mmmash.blogspot.com/​2013/​03/​x264-motion-estimation-method-comparison.html|X264 - Motion Estimation Method- Comparison]] - I like this one. :)
   * [[http://​birds-are-nice.me/​publications/​extremex264_5.shtml|Extreme x264 encoding]]   * [[http://​birds-are-nice.me/​publications/​extremex264_5.shtml|Extreme x264 encoding]]
 +  * [[https://​en.wikibooks.org/​wiki/​MeGUI/​x264_Settings|MeGUI/​x264 Settings]] - the best place to get a description of each setting
 When encoding, if you want to cover all your bases, there are two H.264 settings to use, and two x264 encoding arguments to pass: When encoding, if you want to cover all your bases, there are two H.264 settings to use, and two x264 encoding arguments to pass:
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 === H.264 levels === === H.264 levels ===
-DVDs max out at high 3.1.  You don't need 3.2 on DVDs because that is the first level that accepts 720p.+DVDs max out at high 3.1. You don't need 3.2 on DVDs because that is the first level that accepts 720p.
-Blu-ray at high 4.1.  You can go higher if you want, it's your preference. :)+Blu-ray at high 4.1. You can go higher if you want, it's your preference. :)
 The levels (baseline, main, high) are used to determine which hardware you want to target, and influences what quality you can expect and what encoding features will be used. Blu-ray uses high profile. The levels (baseline, main, high) are used to determine which hardware you want to target, and influences what quality you can expect and what encoding features will be used. Blu-ray uses high profile.
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 === mtune === === mtune ===
-Keep it simple (for DVDs): use ''​film''​ or ''​animation''​. ​ For **old** movies or sources that have artifacts already, use ''​grain''​ or you risk making it even worse.+Keep it simple (for DVDs): use ''​film''​ or ''​animation''​. For **old** movies or sources that have artifacts already, use ''​grain''​ or you risk making it even worse.
 === Choosing an x264 preset === === Choosing an x264 preset ===
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   * [[http://​x264dev.multimedia.cx/​archives/​102|Encoding animation]] - good read for overview of challenges.   * [[http://​x264dev.multimedia.cx/​archives/​102|Encoding animation]] - good read for overview of challenges.
-"All of this combines to make animation at first glance deceptively easy–but in reality quite difficult–to encode." ​ So true!+"All of this combines to make animation at first glance deceptively easy–but in reality quite difficult–to encode."​ So true!
 His tests on x264 His tests on x264
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   * uneven multi-hexagon (umh): slow, slower, veryslow   * uneven multi-hexagon (umh): slow, slower, veryslow
   * exhaustive (tesa): placebo   * exhaustive (tesa): placebo
-=== Steve'​s Defaults === 
-Here are examples of using H.264 high profile at level 4.1 (Blu-ray settings), with x264 CRF 23 on medium preset. 
-Using MP4 as the container will encode the audio to AAC by default. If using MKV, it depends on the encoder, so I'm specifying it directly. 
-libav also has an [[https://​wiki.libav.org/​Encoding/​h264|their x264 guide]]): 
-avconv -i dvd.mpg -vcodec libx264 -profile:v high -level 41 -preset medium -crf 23 -tune film -acodec libfdk_aac video.mp4 
-avconv -i dvd.mpg -vcodec libx264 -profile:v high -level 41 -preset medium -crf 23 -tune film -acodec libfdk_aac video.mkv 
