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vp9 [2023/04/08 15:56]
beandog [HandBrake]
vp9 [2023/04/19 21:54] (current)
beandog [ffmpeg]
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 To gain a CRF-type result, use ''​--end-usage=cq --cq-level=<​arg>''​ format, and then a 1-pass encode ''​--passes=1''​ Using this, ''​vpxenc''​ uses a default CQ of 32. To gain a CRF-type result, use ''​--end-usage=cq --cq-level=<​arg>''​ format, and then a 1-pass encode ''​--passes=1''​ Using this, ''​vpxenc''​ uses a default CQ of 32.
 +I get different encoding times on multiple runs, even though it's producing the exact same files, so watch out for that.
Line 25: Line 27:
 ==== ffmpeg ==== ==== ffmpeg ====
-You can use ''​ffmpeg''​ to get a deep level of output to see what it's doing:+You can use ''​ffmpeg''​ to get a deep level of output to see what it's doing, it uses the default CRF of 32:
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-ffmpeg -i sample.y4m -vcodec libvpx-vp9 sample.webm+ffmpeg ​-loglevel debug -i sample.y4m -vcodec libvpx-vp9 sample.webm
 </​code>​ </​code>​
