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svcd [2017/01/25 17:18]
svcd [2021/10/17 18:58] (current)
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   * [[VCD]]   * [[VCD]]
-Similar of course to [[Video CD]], but I'm finding these have less support on my players. Between my [[Sony DVD players]] and my [[Sony Blu-ray players]], only the DVD ones will play these back. Everyone says to use VCD if you want the widest support base, though.+Similar of course to [[VCD|Video CD]], but I'm finding these have less support on my players. Between my [[Sony DVD players]] and my [[Sony Blu-ray players]], only the DVD ones will play these back. Everyone says to use VCD if you want the widest support base, though.
 Here's me making some: Here's me making some:
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-avconv ​-i ../​Master/​video_master_episode1.mp4 -target ntsc-svcd video_ntsc-svcd_ep1.mpg+ffmpeg ​-i ../​Master/​video_master_episode1.mp4 -target ntsc-svcd video_ntsc-svcd_ep1.mpg
 vcdxgen -o svcd_birdman.xml -t svcd -l BIRDMAN *mpg vcdxgen -o svcd_birdman.xml -t svcd -l BIRDMAN *mpg
 vcdxbuild -c svcd_birdman.cue -b svcd_birdman.bin svcd_birdman.xml vcdxbuild -c svcd_birdman.cue -b svcd_birdman.bin svcd_birdman.xml
 cdrdao write --device /dev/cdrom svcd_birdman.cue cdrdao write --device /dev/cdrom svcd_birdman.cue
 </​code>​ </​code>​
