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subtitles [2019/07/09 03:01]
beandog [DVD Subtitles]
subtitles [2020/10/26 18:49] (current)
beandog [Detect CC]
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 For DVDs, closed captioning streams are embedded in the video stream. For DVDs, closed captioning streams are embedded in the video stream.
 +By default, ffmpeg will copy the Closed Captions. Even passing ''​-sn''​ will not disable them. They must be selected using lavfi and modified / ignored that way.
 The fastest way is to see if it has closed captioning is using ffprobe and looking for ''​Closed Captions''​ in the output: The fastest way is to see if it has closed captioning is using ffprobe and looking for ''​Closed Captions''​ in the output:
