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samsung_gravity_2 [2017/01/22 03:32]
samsung_gravity_2 [2021/10/17 19:21] (current)
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 I haven'​t been able to find a list of **exact** specs listed from Samsung, so there is conflicting information out there from various sources. However, there are a few things I do know. I haven'​t been able to find a list of **exact** specs listed from Samsung, so there is conflicting information out there from various sources. However, there are a few things I do know.
-For 3GP video, it supports h263 at 15 fps, and qcf (176x144). Audio is mono, rate has to be 8000hz, and the max bitrate is 12k.+For 3GP video, it supports h263 at 15 fps, and qcif (176x144). Audio is mono, rate has to be 8000hz, and the max bitrate is 12k.
 Here's me with my Sony eye candy video again, encoding to 3GP (MPEG-4 simple + AMR), keeping the aspect ratio by padding it with black bars: Here's me with my Sony eye candy video again, encoding to 3GP (MPEG-4 simple + AMR), keeping the aspect ratio by padding it with black bars:
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-avconv ​-i Sony_Bravia_-_Eye_Candy_HD_1080p-jfdMo4b0U_Y.mp4 -ac 1 -ar 8000 -vf scale=176:​100,​pad=176:​144:​0:​22 -vcodec h263 -ab 12.20k -r 15 video.3gp+ffmpeg ​-i Sony_Bravia_-_Eye_Candy_HD_1080p-jfdMo4b0U_Y.mp4 -ac 1 -ar 8000 -vf scale=176:​100,​pad=176:​144:​0:​22 -vcodec h263 -ab 12.20k -r 15 samsung.3gp
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 It does support MP3 and AAC playback! You can also do playback with H.264 video on baseline profile. Pretty awesome for a little guy. :) It does support MP3 and AAC playback! You can also do playback with H.264 video on baseline profile. Pretty awesome for a little guy. :)
 +ffmpeg -i source.mp4 -r 15 -vf scale=176:​144 -vcodec libx264 -profile:v baseline samsung.mp4
 +And here's ripping a DVD from Handbrake:
 +HandBrakeCLI --format av_mp4 --encoder x264 --encoder-profile baseline --encoder-preset medium --rate 15 --aencoder fdk_aac --mixdown stereo --width 176 --subtitle none -i /dev/dvd -o samsung.mp4
