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psp [2017/12/10 16:23]
psp [2023/04/09 12:02] (current)
beandog [HandBrake]
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   * [[http://​dtcwee.blogspot.com/​2014/​02/​transcode-to-psp-using-handbrake.html|Transcode to PSP using Handbrake]]   * [[http://​dtcwee.blogspot.com/​2014/​02/​transcode-to-psp-using-handbrake.html|Transcode to PSP using Handbrake]]
   * [[http://​tools.rodrigopolo.com/​mp4box_aspect_fix/​|MP4Box Display Aspect Ratio Calculator]]   * [[http://​tools.rodrigopolo.com/​mp4box_aspect_fix/​|MP4Box Display Aspect Ratio Calculator]]
 +  * [[https://​forum.handbrake.fr/​viewtopic.php?​f=7&​t=35849|HandBrake Forums - PSP Howto]] - I wrote this
 I have a PSP 1000 (the very first model) that I use to playback video on, just for fun. ''​ffmpeg''​ used to have a preset output for it, but no more. Encoding for the hardware is simple enough, with the right settings. I have a PSP 1000 (the very first model) that I use to playback video on, just for fun. ''​ffmpeg''​ used to have a preset output for it, but no more. Encoding for the hardware is simple enough, with the right settings.
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 These playback settings are designed to run with the most recent firmware, version 6.61. These playback settings are designed to run with the most recent firmware, version 6.61.
-Playback is at 480x272, with a 16:9 aspect ratio.+Playback is at 480x270, with a 16:9 aspect ratio.
 The video player does have support for chapters, but adding them to the MP4 doesn'​t have any effect. [Note: when using HandBrake. Probably need to use the proper supported subtitle formats for MP4] The video player does have support for chapters, but adding them to the MP4 doesn'​t have any effect. [Note: when using HandBrake. Probably need to use the proper supported subtitle formats for MP4]
-If you're encoding something video that's **widescreen**,​ then scale the width to 480 so that you're using the entire length and have black bars on top and bottom. On the other hand, if it's **fullframe**,​ then do a height of 272 so it's not stretching the video, and you have black bars on the left and right.+If you're encoding something video that's **widescreen**,​ then scale the width to 480 so that you're using the entire length and have black bars on top and bottom. On the other hand, if it's **fullframe**,​ then do a height of 270 so it's not stretching the video, and you have black bars on the left and right.
 ==== Playstation Manual ==== ==== Playstation Manual ====
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-==== libav ====+==== ffmpeg ​====
   * Scale video automatically   * Scale video automatically
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 <​code>​ <​code>​
-avconv -y -i video.mp4 -sn -vf scale=480:​-1 -c:v libx264 -x264-params bframes=1 -profile:v main -ac 2 bravia.mp4+ffmpeg ​-i video.mpg -sn -vf scale=480:​-1 -c:v libx264 -x264-params bframes=1 -profile:v main -ac 2 -y psp.mp4
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-For a video source that is taller than wider (pan & scan), set the height to 272:+For a video source that is taller than wider (pan & scan), set the height to 270:
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-avconv -y -i video.mp4 -sn -vf scale=-:272 -c:v libx264 -x264-params bframes=1 -profile:v main -ac 2 bravia.mp4+ffmpeg ​-i video.mpg -sn -vf scale=-1:270 -c:v libx264 -x264-params bframes=1 -profile:v main -ac 2 -y psp.mp4
 </​code>​ </​code>​
Line 62: Line 63:
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-HandBrakeCLI -e x264 --encoder-profile main -x bframes=1 --mixdown stereo -w 480 -i /​dev/​dvd ​-o movie.mp4+HandBrakeCLI ​-i /​dev/​dvd ​-e x264 --encoder-profile main -x bframes=1 --mixdown stereo -w 480 -l 272 -o psp.mp4
 </​code>​ </​code>​
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 <​code>​ <​code>​
-HandBrakeCLI -e x264 --encoder-profile main -x bframes=1 --mixdown stereo -w 480 --subtitle-burned 1 -i /​dev/​dvd ​-o movie.mp4+HandBrakeCLI ​-i /​dev/​dvd ​-e x264 --encoder-profile main -x bframes=1 --mixdown stereo -w 480 -l 272 --subtitle-burned 1 -o psp.mp4
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 {{:​star-wars-psp-subs.png|}} {{:​star-wars-psp-subs.png|}}
