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pal_to_ntsc [2021/10/17 19:21]
pal_to_ntsc [2021/10/17 19:41] (current)
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 ====== Converting PAL to NTSC ====== ====== Converting PAL to NTSC ======
-I have a number of DVDs on PAL format because they are not available [[http://​www.amazon.co.uk/​Shipwrecked-DVD/​dp/​B0001IMCDO|anywhere else]]. ​ Most of the time it's because I want a widescreen version of a movie. ​ All my DVD drives under Linux and my BD-ROM can all read any region DVDs without having to use [[regionset]],​ so ripping them is simple enough.+I have a number of DVDs on PAL format because they are not available [[http://​www.amazon.co.uk/​Shipwrecked-DVD/​dp/​B0001IMCDO|anywhere else]]. Most of the time it's because I want a widescreen version of a movie. All my DVD drives under Linux and my BD-ROM can all read any region DVDs without having to use [[regionset]],​ so ripping them is simple enough.
-I use libav to convert them.  Using ''​-format ntsc-dvd''​ is pretty much all you need.+I use ffmpeg ​to convert them. Using ''​-format ntsc-dvd''​ is pretty much all you need.
 Here's a general command: Here's a general command:
