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optical_drive_speeds [2018/12/17 16:02]
optical_drive_speeds [2024/10/13 16:13] (current)
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   * [[udevadm]]   * [[udevadm]]
 +  * [[ASUS BC-12B1ST]] - Blu-ray drive
 +  * [[HL CH20N]] - Blu-ray drive
 +  * [[DH-24ACSH]] - DVD Drive
 +  * [[TS-H653B]] - DVD Drive
 Doing math and converting kB to Mb and so on gives me a headache, and I can't be particularly certain that I'm doing it right. Therefore, these are the speeds in **binary bytes**, as in, this is what I use in [[dvd_info]] and [[bluray_info]] when deciding how much memory to allocate or drive speed to run at, as in an **char**. Doing math and converting kB to Mb and so on gives me a headache, and I can't be particularly certain that I'm doing it right. Therefore, these are the speeds in **binary bytes**, as in, this is what I use in [[dvd_info]] and [[bluray_info]] when deciding how much memory to allocate or drive speed to run at, as in an **char**.
