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netbsd [2018/02/19 20:57]
netbsd [2018/03/27 23:59] (current)
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 ====== NetBSD ====== ====== NetBSD ======
 +  * [[https://​wiki.netbsd.org/​tutorials/​how_to_read_css_protected_dvds/​|NetBSD Wiki - How to read CSS protected DVDs]]
 +  * [[dvd_info]]
 +==== dvd_info ====
 I recommend installing libdvdcss and libdvdread directly from pkgsrc. The binary packages aren't built for support with libdvdcss. I recommend installing libdvdcss and libdvdread directly from pkgsrc. The binary packages aren't built for support with libdvdcss.
Line 30: Line 35:
 Despite it whining about not linking against libdvdcss, the build will. Despite it whining about not linking against libdvdcss, the build will.
-Afer that, download dvd_info and install as normal :)+You'll have to have autoconf and automake installed as well. 
 +Afer that, download dvd_info and install as normal:) 
 <​code>​ <​code>​
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 </​code>​ </​code>​
-To access the DVD disc drive, your user will have to be in the operator group:+To access the DVD disc drive, your user will have to be in the ''​operator'' ​group:
 <​code>​ <​code>​
Line 49: Line 56:
 <​code>​ <​code>​
 dvd_info /dev/cd0d dvd_info /dev/cd0d
 +==== libbluray ====
 +I can get libbluray to install from source (1.0.2), but not libaacs.
 +Yet another dirty hack:
 +cp jni/​linux/​jni_md.h jni/
 +./configure --prefix=/​usr/​pkg --disable-bdjava-jar --without-freetype
 +bluray_info works great (1.2.0):
 +gcc -o bluray_info bluray_info.c bluray_video.c bluray_audio.c bluray_time.c -lbluray -L/​usr/​pkg/​lib -Wl,​-R/​usr/​pkg/​lib -lbluray -I/​usr/​pkg/​include -std=c99
 </​code>​ </​code>​
