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mplayer [2013/06/28 17:49] beandogmplayer [2013/06/28 21:58] (current) beandog
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   * [[mplayer helper scripts]]   * [[mplayer helper scripts]]
 +  * [[mplayer slave protocol]]
 +=== blu-ray ===
 +Playing Blu-Rays (unencrypted)
 +mplayer br:// -bluray-device /path/to/disc
 +=== Dolby Digital (AC3) through SPDIF ===
 +Send audio through the SPDIF device to the audio receiver
 +mplayer movie.mkv -ao alsa:device=spdif -ac hwac3
 +=== PAL playback ===
 +For movies with the wrong aspect (PAL), that should be flat but show up 
 +in 4/3 try this:
 +mplayer airborne.vob -monitoraspect 1.00
 +That should straighten it out. :)
 +Also, sometimes mplayer <nowiki>dvd://</nowiki> will play them correctly.
 === archives: ~/.mplayer/config === === archives: ~/.mplayer/config ===
Line 456: Line 486:
 </cmdlist> </cmdlist>
 +=== archives: mplayer notes ===
 +** Rip embedded media **
 +mplayer -dumpstream -dumpfile matrix.mov http://embed.site.com/movie.mov
 +mplayer -dumpaudio -dumpfile radio.mp3 http://webradio.com/radio.mp3
 +** Rip Realplayer movies **
 +<code>mencoder -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4 -oac mp3lame -o filename.avi http://url.to.streaming.video</code>
 +** Capture a few frames for a screenshot **
 +<code>mplayer dvd:// -vo jpeg -ss 90 -frames 30 -ao null</code>
 +** List options **
 +<code>mplayer -list-options</code>
 +** Screenshot **
 +Works for MPEG2
 +<code>mplayer movie.mpg -noframedrop -ss 360 -vo jpeg:quality=50 -frames 2 -nosound -vc ffmpeg12</code>
 +** -playing-msg **
 +Not really sure where you would use this, but getting it to work was a 
 +bit tricky:
 +mplayer /var/media/101._The_Force_Phantom.mkv -nosound -quiet 
 +-playing-msg \$\{filename\}\\n -vo null
 +prints out the filename and then a line break
 +** Print out options **
 +mplayer −list−options <command line>
 +mplayer -input cmdlist <slave>
 +mplayer -input keylist <events>
 +** Display MKV title **
 +osd_show_property_text "${metadata/title}" 2400
 </code> </code>
