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keydb [2023/04/09 20:15]
beandog created
keydb [2023/04/09 20:21] (current)
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   * [[libaacs]]   * [[libaacs]]
-If accessing a Blu-ray disc with DRM, you will need a ''​KEYDB.cfg''​ file in ''​~/​.config/​aacs/''​ to bypass the encryption. You can download a key file or create your own using [[FindVUK]].+If accessing a Blu-ray disc with DRM, you will need a ''​KEYDB.cfg''​ file in ''​~/​.config/​aacs/''​ to bypass the encryption. You can download a key file or create your own using [[FindVUK]] ​on Windows. 
 +Best place to download one is from [[http://​fvonline-db.bplaced.net/​]]. I **occasionally** will back theirs up, and keep it here: [[https://​bluray.beandog.org/​keydb/​]] 
 +If you don't want to deal with manually tracking your own keys to rip Blu-rays, I recommend using [[MakeMKV]] instead.
