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dvd_player [2021/10/17 17:57]
beandog created
dvd_player [2023/04/09 21:49] (current)
beandog [Custom Configuration]
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 dvd_player reads a configuration file from ~/​.config/​dvd_player/​mpv.conf dvd_player reads a configuration file from ~/​.config/​dvd_player/​mpv.conf
 See mpv man page for syntax and dvd_player man page for examples. See mpv man page for syntax and dvd_player man page for examples.
 +==== Custom Configuration ====
 +One of mpv's strong points is that it can have configuration saved in your config directory. This program supports that as well.
 +Here's an example ''​mpv.conf''​ that goes in ''​~/​.config/​dvd_player/''​ directory:
 +==== Track Selection ====
 +One thing that may be confusing is that ''​mpv''​ and ''​dvd_player''​ do not have the same track ordering number. MPV zero-indexes the tracks (the first track is number 0), while all the dvd_info tools one-index them (the first track is number 1).
 +This can be confusing in the user output because ''​dvd_player''​ will accept the one-indexed track number, but libmpv will output a different track number.
 +$ dvd_player -t 2
 +[dvd_player] Track: 2, Length: 00:​22:​36.033,​ Chapters: 5, Filesize: 549 MBs
 +libdvdnav: DVD Title: 888574310851D1
 +libdvdnav: DVD Serial Number: 0CEE4CEBDVDSHR
 +libdvdnav: DVD Title (Alternative): ​
 +libdvdnav: DVD disk reports itself with Region mask 0x00000000. Regions: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
 +[dvdnav] DVDNAV, switched to title: 1
 </​code>​ </​code>​
