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dvd_eject [2014/05/12 21:18]
beandog created
dvd_eject [2021/10/17 17:55] (current)
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 ====== dvd_eject ====== ====== dvd_eject ======
 +  * [[dvd_info]] - main package
 Along with [[dvd_drive_status]],​ I wrote my own little standalone C program that ejects a DVD drive. Along with [[dvd_drive_status]],​ I wrote my own little standalone C program that ejects a DVD drive.
-It's very simple, and is not in the least designed to be a replacement for other eject programs. ​ What it does do is it solves the problems that I run into: waiting for a drive to be in a "​ready"​ state after opening / closing the tray, and working with fussy DVD drives that need to be told to open more than once before it actually does it.+A man page is included with the program (see ''​man dvd_eject''​) that comes with the ''​dvd_info''​ package. 
 +It's very simple, and is not in the least designed to be a replacement for other eject programs. What it does do is it solves the problems that I run into: waiting for a drive to be in a "​ready"​ state after opening / closing the tray, and working with fussy DVD drives that need to be told to open more than once before it actually does it.
 So, here you go, a link to the source code on github: [[https://​github.com/​beandog/​dvd_info/​blob/​master/​dvd_eject.c|dvd_eject.c]] So, here you go, a link to the source code on github: [[https://​github.com/​beandog/​dvd_info/​blob/​master/​dvd_eject.c|dvd_eject.c]]
 +It's a standalone program, so compiling with gcc or clang is simple as can be:
 +This doesn'​t check to see if a device is mounted, and will not unmount it. Using ''​eject''​ will.
 +Mine is cooler because of the fun output. :D
