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dvd_drive_status [2021/10/17 17:49]
dvd_drive_status [2021/10/17 17:50] (current)
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 This program is a successor to the small program [[trayopen]] (which also inspired this one). ''​trayopen''​ works great, but it doesn'​t poll two things: if the drive is busy or if it has media. ''​dvd_drive_status''​ adds that feature plus a few more. This program is a successor to the small program [[trayopen]] (which also inspired this one). ''​trayopen''​ works great, but it doesn'​t poll two things: if the drive is busy or if it has media. ''​dvd_drive_status''​ adds that feature plus a few more.
-To buildjust download the [[https://​raw2.github.com/​beandog/​dvd_info/​master/​dvd_drive_status.c|dvd_drive_status.c file]] ​and compile it.+It has support on and off for *BSD systems. I like to work on itand then I don'tThe kernels are different, ​and have different tray status checks and so on. I'm limited by that.
-<​code>​ +A man page is included with the ''​dvd_info'' ​program (man dvd_drive_status).
-$ wget https://​raw2.github.com/​beandog/​dvd_info/​master/​dvd_drive_status.c +
-$ gcc -o dvd_drive_status dvd_drive_status.c +
-</​code>​ +
- +
-It has support on and off for *BSD systems. I like to work on it, and then I don't. The kernels are different, and have different tray status checks and so on. I'm limited by that.+
 === Context === === Context ===
