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dlna [2014/03/03 09:42]
dlna [2021/10/17 19:19] (current)
beandog [DLNA]
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 ====== DLNA ====== ====== DLNA ======
 +  * [[DLNA HTTP Requests]]
   * [[x264]]   * [[x264]]
   * [[Matroska]]   * [[Matroska]]
   * [[MP4]]   * [[MP4]]
   * [[minidlna]] - best DLNA server, evar! :D   * [[minidlna]] - best DLNA server, evar! :D
 +  * [[PS3]]
 ** Note: ** Right now, all of this is specific to my Sony Blu-ray players that have DLNA support. ​ See [[http://​esupport.sony.com/​US/​perl/​support-info.pl?​info_id=959|file formats supported by Sony]]. ** Note: ** Right now, all of this is specific to my Sony Blu-ray players that have DLNA support. ​ See [[http://​esupport.sony.com/​US/​perl/​support-info.pl?​info_id=959|file formats supported by Sony]].
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   * Resume playback on titles, during same power session   * Resume playback on titles, during same power session
   * On MP4 and MKV, Sony Blu-ray players will drop the extension, so you can have some kind of a naming scheme.   * On MP4 and MKV, Sony Blu-ray players will drop the extension, so you can have some kind of a naming scheme.
 ==== What doesn'​t work ==== ==== What doesn'​t work ====
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   * Store more details in SQLite database -- number of times played, which media device is requesting, etc.   * Store more details in SQLite database -- number of times played, which media device is requesting, etc.
   * Figure out how resume-playback works -- I'm guessing that the DLNA server makes a request for a starting point   * Figure out how resume-playback works -- I'm guessing that the DLNA server makes a request for a starting point
