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disc_id [2014/02/10 11:55]
disc_id [2014/09/16 23:35] (current)
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 ====== disc_id ====== ====== disc_id ======
 +  * [[dvd_info]]
   * [[libdvdread]]   * [[libdvdread]]
 **disc_id** is a very small binary that used to ship with **libdvdread**. ​ The source code used to ship with the package, but was removed at some point. ​ It's available on github now: [[https://​github.com/​hilbix/​libdvdread-samples]] **disc_id** is a very small binary that used to ship with **libdvdread**. ​ The source code used to ship with the package, but was removed at some point. ​ It's available on github now: [[https://​github.com/​hilbix/​libdvdread-samples]]
-disc_id returns a small hash which I use in all my scripts ​as a unique identifier for each DVD.+My program [[dvd_info]] also prints it, out, it is labeled ​as ''​dvdread id''​ in the JSON output.
