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deinterlacing [2018/03/28 23:38]
beandog created
deinterlacing [2021/10/17 18:30] (current)
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 ====== Deinterlacing ====== ====== Deinterlacing ======
-Just some cool links I find about deinterlacing. I don't really have any smart advice on the matter. I use ''​detelecine''​ on HandBrake with mine and that solves 99% of the problems. There are rare cases that need ''​decomb''​ instead, and ST TNG is the only one I can think of right now.+Just some cool links I find about deinterlacing. I don't really have any smart advice on the matter. I use ''​detelecine''​ on HandBrake with mine and that solves 99% of the problems. There are rare cases that need ''​decomb''​ instead, and Star Trek TNG is the only one I can think of right now (although I avoid the problem by getting the series on Blu-ray).
   * [[https://​github.com/​kfrn/​ffmpeg-things/​blob/​master/​deinterlacing.md]]   * [[https://​github.com/​kfrn/​ffmpeg-things/​blob/​master/​deinterlacing.md]]
-  * [[http://​100fps.com/​]]+  * [[https://​100fps.com/​]]
