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bluray_info [2023/04/09 20:09]
bluray_info [2023/04/09 21:14] (current)
beandog [bluray_info]
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   * [[bluray_copy]] - copy a track to filesystem or stdout, part of bluray_info package   * [[bluray_copy]] - copy a track to filesystem or stdout, part of bluray_info package
   * [[bluray_player]] - a Blu-ray player using libmpv   * [[bluray_player]] - a Blu-ray player using libmpv
 +  * [[Blu-ray DRM]]
   * [[https://​github.com/​beandog/​bluray_info]] - source code   * [[https://​github.com/​beandog/​bluray_info]] - source code
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   * [[https://​www.videolan.org/​developers/​libbluray.html|libbluray]] homepage   * [[https://​www.videolan.org/​developers/​libbluray.html|libbluray]] homepage
-**bluray_info** is a small program to display information about a Blu-ray disc (both original and 4K). It will run on Linux, Cygwin, OpenBSD, NetBSD, and FreeBSD. **You will need a KEYDB.cfg file for decryption of the DRM.**+**bluray_info** is a small program to display information about a Blu-ray disc (both original and 4K). It will run on Linux, Cygwin, OpenBSD, NetBSD, and FreeBSD. **You will need a KEYDB.cfg file for decryption of the DRM (details [[Blu-ray DRM|here]])**
 The [[https://​www.videolan.org/​developers/​libbluray.html|libbluray]] API is very clean, and putting together an initial copy of ''​bluray_info''​ to print out details about a disc only took me two days. It's similar to [[dvd_info]] in that it does human-friendly and JSON output, but doesn'​t have nearly the amount of programs (like exporting chapters, copying tracks, etc.). The reason for that was ''​dvd_info''​ is a perpetual project that I never get around to doing point releases, so I decided to take the alternate approach here. The [[https://​www.videolan.org/​developers/​libbluray.html|libbluray]] API is very clean, and putting together an initial copy of ''​bluray_info''​ to print out details about a disc only took me two days. It's similar to [[dvd_info]] in that it does human-friendly and JSON output, but doesn'​t have nearly the amount of programs (like exporting chapters, copying tracks, etc.). The reason for that was ''​dvd_info''​ is a perpetual project that I never get around to doing point releases, so I decided to take the alternate approach here.
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 <​code>​ <​code>​
-bluray_info 1.- display information about a Blu-ray+bluray_info 1.- display information about a Blu-ray
 Usage: bluray_info [path] [options] Usage: bluray_info [path] [options]
