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bluray_copy [2021/10/17 18:16]
bluray_copy [2023/04/09 21:21] (current)
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 ====== bluray_copy ====== ====== bluray_copy ======
 +  * [[Blu-ray]]
   * [[bluray_info]] - main package   * [[bluray_info]] - main package
   * [[https://​github.com/​beandog/​bluray_info]] - source code   * [[https://​github.com/​beandog/​bluray_info]] - source code
   * [[https://​github.com/​beandog/​bluray_info/​releases]] - releases   * [[https://​github.com/​beandog/​bluray_info/​releases]] - releases
-''​bluray_copy''​ is a program that ships with the ''​bluray_info''​ package of utils. You can use it to copy a track directly off a disc either to your drive, or to stdout. **You will need a KEYDB.cfg ​to decrypt the DRM.**+''​bluray_copy''​ is a program that ships with the ''​bluray_info''​ package of utils. You can use it to copy a track directly off a disc either to your drive, or to stdout. 
 +** You will need [[libaacs]] installed and valid KEYDB.cfg ​file for copying. See [[Blu-ray ​DRM]] for details. **
 See ''​bluray_copy --help''​. See ''​bluray_copy --help''​.
-Here's a sample: 
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-bluray_info 1.6 display information about a Blu-ray+bluray_copy ​copy a Blu-ray ​title or playlist to a file
-Usage: ​bluray_info ​[path] [options]+Usage: ​bluray_copy ​[path] [options]
 Options: Options:
-  -m, --main ​     Limit to main title (default: all+  -m, --main ​              Copy main title (default) 
-  -t, --title <number    Limit to selected ​title +  -t, --title <#         ​Copy ​title number 
-  -p, --playlist <number Limit to selected ​playlist +  -p, --playlist <#      Copy playlist ​number 
-  -j, --json ​              ​Display format as JSON +  -c, --chapter <#>[-#]    Copy chapter number or range
- +
-Extra information:​ +
-  -v, --video ​             Display video streams +
-  -a, --audio ​             Display audio streams +
-  -s, --subtitles ​         Display subtitles +
-  -c, --chapters ​          ​Display chapters +
-  ​-x, --all                Display all+
-Narrow results+Destination
-  -A, --has-audio ​         Title has audio +  -o, --output ​<filename Save to filename (default: bluray_title_###​.m2ts) 
-  -S, --has-subtitles ​     Title has subtitles +      --output ​          Write to stdout
-  -E, --seconds ​<number  Title has minimum number of seconds +
-  -M, --minutes <​number> ​  Title has minimum number of minutes+
 Other: Other:
-  -g, --xchap  ​  ​Display title'​s chapter format for mkvmerge 
   -k, --keydb <​filename> ​  ​Location to KEYDB.cfg (default: ~/​.config/​aacs/​KEYDB.cfg)   -k, --keydb <​filename> ​  ​Location to KEYDB.cfg (default: ~/​.config/​aacs/​KEYDB.cfg)
 +  -a, --angle <#> ​         Video angle (default: 1)
   -h, --help  ​  This output   -h, --help  ​  This output
       --version  ​  ​Version information       --version  ​  ​Version information
-Blu-ray path can be a device, a filename, or directory ​(default/dev/sr0)+Blu-ray path can be a device, a filename, or directorydefault ​is /dev/sr0
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-I like to pipe mine to ''​avprobe''​ sometimes to see what's in there. ''​avprobe''​ will quit once it has enough data, so no need to worry about ''​bluray_copy''​ trying to get everything off. Here's Batman Begins:+I like to pipe mine to ''​ffprobe''​ sometimes to see what's in there. ''​ffprobe''​ will quit once it has enough data, so no need to worry about ''​bluray_copy''​ trying to get everything off. Here's Batman Begins:
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-bluray_copy -o - | avprobe ​-+bluray_copy -o - | ffprobe ​-
 </​code>​ </​code>​
