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libbluray [2023/04/09 20:54]
libbluray [2023/05/02 11:10] (current)
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 The software ships with a couple of programs that are helpful as well. Some of them are: The software ships with a couple of programs that are helpful as well. Some of them are:
-  * ''​bd_splice''​ which you can use to copy pieces of titles / playlists (see also [[bluray_info]] toolset ​for same functionality)+  * ''​bd_splice''​ which you can use to copy pieces of titles / playlists (see also [[bluray_copy]] for same functionality)
   * ''​bd_list_titles''​ to display title information   * ''​bd_list_titles''​ to display title information
   * ''​bd_info''​ to display information about the Blu-ray   * ''​bd_info''​ to display information about the Blu-ray
