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dvd_info [2023/04/09 15:45]
beandog [dvd_info]
dvd_info [2023/12/26 01:50] (current)
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   * [[http://​github.com/​beandog/​dvd_info|GitHub dvd_info repo]]   * [[http://​github.com/​beandog/​dvd_info|GitHub dvd_info repo]]
   * [[https://​github.com/​beandog/​dvd_info/​releases|Downloads]]   * [[https://​github.com/​beandog/​dvd_info/​releases|Downloads]]
 +  * [[https://​github.com/​beandog/​dvd_info/​wiki|Documentation]] on wiki, also see man pages
   * Portability:​ Linux, Cygwin, [[OpenBSD]],​ [[NetBSD]], FreeBSD   * Portability:​ Linux, Cygwin, [[OpenBSD]],​ [[NetBSD]], FreeBSD
   * [[dvd_copy]]   * [[dvd_copy]]
   * [[dvd_drive_status]]   * [[dvd_drive_status]]
-  * [[dvd_eject]] 
   * [[dvd_player]]   * [[dvd_player]]
-  * [[dvd_trip]]+  * [[dvd_rip]]
 My own set of C programs that are small utilities for reading DVD info, and managing DVD drives. My own set of C programs that are small utilities for reading DVD info, and managing DVD drives.
