====== Steve's HTPC ==== === silent boot === Disable early boot messages: # CONFIG_X86_VERBOSE_BOOTUP is not set Add to kernel boot command line to disable remaining output: quiet loglevel=3 vga=current === start X on boot === In ''/etc/local.d/x.start'' su -l root -c xinit -- -nocursor & In ''x.stop'': pkill xinit My xinit config: Use ''feh'' to set a nice background from ''x11-themes/gentoo-artwork'', ''xset'' to disable screen blanking, and [[https://github.com/aktau/hhpc|hhpc]] to definitively kill the mouse pointer. tinywm is the coolest tiny window manager evar. :D feh --bg-scale /usr/share/pixmaps/gentoo/1024x768/Larry_the_cow_on_ice-1024x768.jpg xset s off /usr/local/bin/hhpc exec /usr/local/bin/tinywm === HandBrake === Sample command, audio and subtitle tracks are going to need attention. HandBrakeCLI '--markers' '--decomb' '--detelecine' '--optimize' --title '3' --encoder 'x264' --quality '23' --encoder-profile 'high' --encoder-level '4.1' --encoder-preset 'medium' --encoder-tune 'film' --audio '1' --aencoder 'fdk_aac' --subtitle '1' --format 'av_mkv' --input '/dev/dvd' --output 'movie.mkv' === mpv === audio-spdif=ac3,dts,dts-hd audio-device='alsa/hdmi:CARD=HDMI,DEV=0' fullscreen=yes hwdec=vaapi alang=eng,en slang=en, write-filename-in-watch-later-config=yes save-position-on-quit=yes